Home remedies to increase male potency

Taking medication does not always give due effect, yes, and not many rush to go to the doctor. At the same time weak erection causes not only infertility but impotence in the future. As to avoid adverse effects and increase the power of the methods we have in the article.

Causes of impotence problems

the power

Erectile dysfunction is a disease that is characterized by decreased levels of testosterone in the blood, which reduces men of power. The symptoms may appear before or during the sexual act, that affects the psyche. After a bad experience that the man may avoid sex, be irritated and tearing his wrath of the wife. However, according to statistics, more than 95% of cases can be cured if it is appropriate to consult a doctor.

Impotence problems, are seen more frequently in men, spoke of 40 years abroad. Related this with the physiological changes in the body. The illness is temporary or chronic nature, however, in fact, in another case, should be treated.

The causes of weak potency may be psychological or physiological. To the first concern:

  • strong fatigue, stress;
  • the fear of the future;
  • a bad sexual experience;
  • overvoltage;
  • a prolonged period of abstinence from sex;
  • frequent disputes with the partner;
  • chronic fatigue, lack of sleep;
  • the depression and the weakness of mental disorders.

From time to time with the problem of weak power faced by young people. The excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking, fast food consumption, etc, cause the decrease of male libido, and, as a result, the deficiency of the male power. If the problems are systemic, you should immediately to your doctor, as it may be a dangerous symptom of the disease — diabetes or cancer.

Physiological causes of possible problems of impotence:

  • cardiovascular dystonia;
  • more or less HELL;
  • violation of the hormonal status;
  • the disease of the prostate and other

Also the weakness of the, the power can be a side effect of the intake of steroids and sedatives.

If you have problems with impotence, the first thing you should do is consult an urologist. In the clinic a lot of essential detection and eliminate/ confirm the existence of a risk of the disease, as well as assign a comprehensive treatment.

In addition to the primary therapy, men are advised to revise their lifestyle and eating habits. Quit smoking and alcohol contribute to the speedy recovery. Practice of sport, in turn, increase the level of testosterone in the blood.

The methods to increase the power

According to clinical research, the peak of the sexual activity of men falls in more than 35 years of age. In this moment the blood contains the maximum level of testosterone is 5.76 up 30,43 nmol/ps every year this rate falls more than 15%. In the majority of cases healthy man does not feel the economic crisis, and problems with impotence, will begin only 45 — 60 years.

A special role in the development of the pathology is played by the cardiovascular disease. In case of exist, to the organs of the pelvis, less blood to the sexual organs is not sufficient to harden and increase in size. The men and weak erection, it is often not enough for full sexual intercourse. Therefore, the first thing you should do is to cure the diseases of the heart.

Heart-healthy — bond long erection in men.

Moderate exercise, such as running, swimming, yoga, can increase the levels of male hormones in the blood. At the same time, the excessive passion for the sports (bodybuilding) exerts an additional pressure on the heart and the power decreases.

Increase the power you can with drugs or remedies. Special attention should be paid to a healthy lifestyle:

  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • exclude from the diet fatty, salty food and fast food;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits.

Medications are assigned to the men of the results of the survey.

Medicines have little time of action, and that, with time, the body produces resistant to, therefore, treat the power must be carried out in a comprehensive way.

Of the home remedies more effective in the decrease of the power, since in addition to the exposure of bodies, they also improve the immunity and fight the major causes of the disease: hypertension, hypotension, vegetative cardiovascular, etc, However, accept the treatment only after you consult with the doctor.

Herbs to increase male strength

plants of power

The herbal medicine one of the main objectives of the folk medicine. With the help of herbal infusions and tea, which can cure many diseases, including erectile dysfunction. If the problem is caused by psychological factors (stress, insomnia), the grass release tension, improve immunity and ensure the tone of the blood vessels. In the case that the weakness of the power is the result of other more serious conditions, the application of the herbal medicine is only possible in combination with the main (drugs) therapy.

Most useful herbal for the increase of the power are:

  • nettle — stimulates urogenital function and helps to increase the erection;
  • thyme — eliminates the prostatitis, impotence and adenoma;
  • hemp seeds — it tones the walls of the blood vessels;
  • st. john's wort — improves the circulation of the blood;
  • pasternak — increases testosterone;
  • the tea lounge rose — strengthens the immune system, relieves.

These and other herbs that are sold in any pharmacy and are for all. For greater effect of the components can be mixed together, the brewing and drinking all day from 2 cups a day.

Recipes to increase male potency:

  • Grind 100 g of nettle, pour 300 ml of boiling water and insist within an hour. Then, add the honey, and 20 ml of red wine. Take the tincture before meal 3 p day;
  • Dry the flower of thyme (100 g) pour boiling water (200 ml), and the push for about 30 minutes. Drink 2 € per day;
  • To fry the seeds of hemp, take 1 tablespoon of the spoon in the day, before meals. It is a great tool for increasing the sexual potency in men, the effect can be observed already within a few days;
  • The decoction of the herb st. john's wort: 2 tablespoons ps the grass pour 100 ml of boiling water, to insist and strain. Drink three times a day for 1 month;
  • The cooking of the stingray: 4 tablespoons of roots, grind and mix with 6 tablespoons of sugar. Obtained the mixture is poured boiling water and insist within 15 minutes-Drink 3 p day, 1 tablespoons;
  • The tea hop cones also helps to increase the potency. To prepare 1 tbsp of fruit crushed pour a glass of boiling water and allow to cook to slow fire for 5 minutes to make the tea, 3 d a day for 1 month.

The tincture of the root of ginseng

Ginseng is exclusive of the healing of the plant, which is a cure of any disease. This herb has a calming effect, a cure for chronic fatigue and is a natural aphrodisiac, which is especially effective for when the decline of male potency.

The tincture of the root of ginseng is sold in any pharmacy or you can cook it: grind toasted root (20 g) and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist in a dark place for three weeks. For increase your sexual power you should drink 20 drops 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment — 2 months.

The tea of root of calamus

The root of calamus ordinary contains camphor, ascorbic acid and the rubber. These substances have a strong influence on the impact on male reproductive function. The healing of the plant increases the secretion of the reproductive glands, stimulating the production of ejaculate. With the daily consumption, it leads to the activation of the sexual power, increase the duration and sustainability of the erection.

To prepare the tea, should be cut in small pieces root of calamus (100 g) and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Product insist 12 hours, then add the honey. Drink tea 3 times a day for 1.5 months.

The treatment with the use of food products

Good food not only preserves health and prolongs life, but it also increases the sexual power. So, for the normal functioning of the sexual activity in the diet of the men must be present in foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Contribute to the increase of the power of the following foods:

  • quail eggs;
  • winey-milk and dairy products;
  • the olive oil and black cumin oil;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • almonds and walnuts;
  • the chili pepper;
  • the spinach and the celery;
  • peaches, apricots, and raisins;
  • shellfish (mussels, oysters);
  • honey;
  • the dry fruits.

The daily ration should exclude products that do not generate benefits for the body, and replace them with vegetables, fresh meat, fish, cereals, legumes and nuts. The kitchen it is recommended to cook steamed or baked, reduce the consumption of salt, smoked, spices, animal fats, the step (sausages, sausages). The basis of the diet should be fruits and vegetables.

Very tasty and at the same time effective to popular tool to decrease the power of the mixture of walnuts, cream and honey. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and taken after meals-a tablespoon 2 times a day.

The tea and the coffee is well increases the sexual power, especially if these drinks add a little bit of clove, ginger or saffron.

The tincture of propolis and honey

the tincture of the honey

To date, the use of propolis, not only is able to normalize the power, but also improve the immunity.

To prepare the tincture at home, it is necessary to grind the propolis (100 g), add honey (3 tablespoons), pour in the dough with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 2, and the push of 2 weeks in a dark place, periodically shaking. Finished tincture strain and take up to 4 times a day, adding the hot milk.

The cake that remains after straining the infusion, you may make rectal candles, regular application of which would be a good prevention of prostatitis.

Raisins, prunes and figs

Raisins, figs and prunes are able to enhance the male potency for several days. For the preparation of medicines, it is necessary to:

  • 200 gr of raisins;
  • 100 gr of prunes;
  • 50 gr of dried figs;
  • 20 gr of nuts.

Rub the dried fruit on a fine grater, add the chopped, walnuts, and pour boiling water. Prepared the mixture to cool and store in the refrigerator. Consumed along with milk or curd 1-2 p day. The greater effect you should add the honey.


The sport is especially useful for men. The lungs of the physical activity, such as running, biking, barbell squat, bench press and other exercises of the hip muscles have a positive influence on sexual potency.

During the practice of sports improves the blood irrigation of the sexual system, activates the metabolism in the body. In addition, training with weights stimulate the secretion of testosterone. The exercise can be done at home, as the morning gym or in the hot tub.

Exercise 1. Being in the belly, bend the knees, and then take your ankles with your hands. The inspiration is to pull the legs at the top, to delay a couple of seconds, and while exhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5 times. As the addiction gradually increase up to 12 times.

Exercise 2. Lying on a stomach, lift your torso and lean back with hands on the floor. Turn your head to find a player, pull the shoulders upward. To maintain this position, must be 7 — 10 seconds. Make 2 approach of 4-5 times.

Exercise 3. To be fair, bending the knees. Instead of making ribbons of movement, without lifting the socks on the floor for 1 — 2 minutes. Gradually increase the time up to 5 minutes the Number of repetitions between 2 and 3 times a day.

The prevention of the

Erectile dysfunction, sooner or later, you can reach of any man. To avoid problems, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • limit the consumption of fat, salt, and rotten food. Replace harmful products of fish, meats, fruits and vegetables, nuts, milk;
  • to do sport (running, yoga, cardio-training);
  • quit smoking, drinking.
  • monitor overweight;
  • regular sex (2 — 3 times a week);
  • every year your doctor.

Men should review their usual way of life: more often to rest, avoid stress, normalize the power and leave the bad habits. In most cases, after the execution of these simple recommendations, the power will increase naturally.